Einladung/Vabilo Gastvortrag: „Kako razgrniti zemljevide slovenskih dramskih pokrajin XX. stoletja?

Einladung zum Gastvortrag von prof. dr. Tomaž Toporišič (Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo, Univerza v Ljubljani)

mit dem Vortrag

Kako razgrniti zemljevide slovenskih dramskih pokrajin XX. stoletja?

Dramatika od modernizma do postdramskega po drugi svetovni vojni (izbrana poglavja)

Termin: 07. 06.2024 – 10.00 bis 11.30 Uhr

Raum: N.0.18 (Nordtrakt)

ONLINE Vortrag im Rahmen des Slawistik-Projekts: „Net vojne! Stimmen Russlands gegen den Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine“

Russian Artistic Resistance Against the War in Ukraine: actions and consequences
Сергей Бондарев/ Sergei Bondarev
12. Juni 2024 – 16:00 Uhr – Raum N.0.18

The artistic reaction to the war in Ukraine was polarizing in Russia – not at the very beginning, but even throughout the war. Some of the Russian artists and public figures supported the war, advancing their own career with increased state support, with access to resources and nationalistic endorsements at the highest ethical cost possible. But we’ll talk about the courageous responses of Russian cultural figures to the war in Ukraine, their bold actions, the severe repercussions they faced and still facing, and their influence on both domestic and international perspectives.

In the context of the war in Ukraine, the Russian government has employed a range of policies and mechanisms that significantly impact the country’s cultural sphere. It included direct financial incentives, legal repercussions, public endorsements or condemnations, and control over media narratives. Each of these levers has been used to either reward compliance or penalize dissent among artists and cultural figures.

But many celebrities used their platforms to foster change, displaying the resilience in the face of adversity, and – met the consequences of their actions for Russian society and the international artistic community.

Some (but not all) key characters:

  • Dmitry Glukhovsky, a Russian writer. Faced legal challenges and professional backlash, leading to life in exile.
    Chulpan Khamatova, Liya Akhedzhakova, Artur Smolyaninov and Anatoly Bely, Russian actors. Publicly denounced the war with a heavy backlash, embracing a global shift in his succesful career and residency outside of Russia,
  • Maxim Galkin, Denis Chuzhoy, Sasha Dolgopolov, comedians. Their outspokenness resulted in „foreign agent“-label, marking career obstacles in Russia and forcing them to continue working abroad.
  • Andrey Makarevich, Boris Grebenshikov, BI-2 and Nogu Svelo, rock bands and musicians. All used their widest fanbases possible to speak openly against the war, affecting their performances and public appearances in Russia.
  • Alla Pugacheva, the diva: The legendary singer, who outlived almost all country leaders over the course of 50 year career, held a silent protest against the war, never risking her iconic status and facing intense scrutiny and personal risk.
  • Oxxxymiron and Monetochka, popular singers. Both were banned from concert activity as the war started, using their popularity for political activism and their music to express dissent against the artistic restrictions.

The stories above will contrast to the lives of artists who openly supported the war, to highlight the stark differences in choices and consequences: Nastya Ivleeva, Irina Gorbacheva, Filipp Kirkorov, Nikolai Rastorguev, Grigoriy Leps and, of course, Nikita Mikhalkov. And, of course, we’ll cover the non-ending persecution of the artists, imprisoned for their anti-war stance: Evgeniya Berkovich, Sasha Skochilenko and Svetlana Petriychuk among many others.


Zoom Meeting


Meeting-ID: 846 5976 8277
Kenncode: 388372

ONLINE Vorträge im Rahmen des Slawistik-Projekts: „Net vojne! Stimmen Russlands gegen den Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine“

Frauenstimmen gegen den Krieg in der russischsprachigen zeitgenössischen Lyrik

Мамаева Мария/ Mamaeva Maria

26. April 2024 – 15:00 Uhr

Der Vortrag widmet sich der Situation und den Texten der zeitgenössischen russischen Dichterinnen, die sich auch lyrisch gegen den russländischen Krieg gegen die Ukraine positioniert haben. Nach einer Vorstellung der Gedichte (auch in der dt. Übersetzung) von Ženja Berkovič, Vera Pavlova und Vera Polozkova sowie ihrer Einbettung in den kulturellen und literarischen Kontext wird anschließend auch auf ihre Performance im Internet (youtube-Videos) und auf Konzert-Lesungen eingegangen.


Maria Mamaeva, M.A.

  • Geboren 1981 in Novosibirsk
  • 2002-2011: Studium der Slavistik, Hispanistik und neuerer deutscher Literatur an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn und Universidad de Granada (Spanien)
  • Seit April 2014 Dozentin für Sprachpraxis Russisch an der Universität Hamburg
  • Seit September 2021 Dozentin für russische Sprache und russische Literatur am Sprachenclub Pro Linguis in Hamburg

Zoom Meeting

Meeting-ID: 840 9734 4691
Kenncode: 805097

From the „educational turn“ to decolonization: cultural journalism in Russia after 2012

Вокуев Николай/Vokuev Nikolaj

29. Mai 2024 – 16:00 Uhr

On February 24, 2022, Russian troops entered Ukraine. Many Russian cultural media condemned the military aggression, publishing similar statements on their websites and social media about the incompatibility of culture with violence and war. However, the tightening of censorship and criminalization of public denunciation of the war and criticism of Putin’s regime have brought about changes in cultural journalism as well. Those media that continued to write about the war (Colta.ruSyg.maDiscours.io) were blocked in Russia. Others, willing to continue their reflection on actual topics, have mastered the „Aesopian language“ and the art of historical analogies, seemingly forgotten since Soviet times (Kommersant-WeekendGorky.media). The war also exposed the colonial nature of the Russian political system, which led to the creation of new oppositional cultural media by researchers and journalists who had left Russia, adopting the discourses of postcolonial studies and decolonial theory. All these processes, however, will become clearer against the background of a broader panorama of transformations of cultural journalism in the context of Vladimir Putin’s 3rd and 4th presidential terms, including its politicization in the early 2010s and the „educational turn“ that followed the conservative turn in Kremlin politics and the instrumentalization of cultural canons by the regime. This lecture will discuss these transformations and the political aspects of Russian cultural journalism.


Nikolai Vokuev worked as a journalist in the regional media of the Komi Republic (Russia) from 2009 to 2013. Graduate of the School of Cultural Journalism educational program (Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation, 2012). Published as an author and translator in Russian cultural media (Colta.ruArzamas.academySyg.maSeance.ruPerito.media). From 2013 to 2021, he taught at Syktyvkar State University at the Department of Cultural Studies. Since 2021, he is a doctoral student in the Social Communication program at the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada). Dissertation topic: The Political in Cultural Journalism of Post-Soviet Russia: Structural Changes and Cleavages.

Zoom Meeting

Meeting-ID: 872 8348 8303
Kenncode: 553209


Zum Welttag der Poesie am 21. März – POETICA CROATICA

Lesung kroatischer Poesie mit musikalischer Untermalung und anschließenden Gesprächen

21. März 2024 – 14:00 – 15:30 Uhr

LV-Lounge (AAU Bibliothek, 1.Stock)


Je li ljudima umjetnost bijeg od stvarnosti? Možemo li se „sakriti“ od svakodnevice u neki film, pjesmu, predstavu, sliku?

Kunst als Flucht vor der Realität? Können wir in Filmen, Liedern, Vorstellungen und Bildern Zuflucht vom Alltag finden?

Dođite da zajedno pokušamo dokučiti odgovore!

Lasst uns gemeinsam Antworten finden!

Naravno, uz prekrasnu glazbu i poeziju.

Poesie mit musikalischer Untermalung.


Poeziju govore/Poesievortrag:
Zvonko Novosel
Nikolina Prkačin

Lav Novosel
Vlatka Kladarić

Mali razgovori/Smalltalk:
Vesna Massan
Sanja Tatalović


ALLE Studierenden, SchülerInnen, Eltern & Interessierte sind herzlichst eingeladen!!!
Vortragssprache ist Kroatisch!

Poetica Croatica