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Vortrag in der Ukraine zum österreichischen und europäischen Konzernrecht

Univ.-Ass. Magdalena Gruber, LL.M. (WU), BSc (WU) vom Institut für Rechtswissenschaften trug am 27. September 2019 bei einer internationalen Konferenz in Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine) vor.

Die Konferenz stand unter dem Generalthema „Legal protection of corporate rights according to the legislation of Ukraine and the European Union“ und wurde an der Nationalen Wassyl-Stefanyk-Universität abgehalten. Magdalena Gruber referierte zum Konzernrecht in Österreich und der Europäischen Union und ging der Frage nach, ob es in Konzernen ein anerkanntes Gruppeninteresse geben kann.

Aktuelle Publikation im Journal of Business Economics

Coordination, cooperation and collaboration in relief supply chain management

Christian Wankmüller & Gerald Reiner


In recent years, an increasing number of natural and man-made disasters has demonstrated that a working relief supply chain management (RSCM) is crucial in order to alleviate the suffering of the affected population. Coordination, cooperation and collaboration within RSCM is essential for overcoming these destructive incidents. This paper explores the research undertaken in recent years, focusing on coordination, cooperation and collaboration in the field of supply chain management (SCM) and RSCM in order to provide unique definitions of these concepts taking the disaster setting into consideration. A systematic literature review including 202 academic papers published from 1996 onwards in top journals dealing with commercial supply and relief supply chain coordination, cooperation and collaboration is applied. In order to answer the underlying research questions in a proper way, a descriptive analysis and qualitative and quantitative content analysis of the papers are conducted. Descriptive results indicate that RSCM coordination, cooperation and collaboration have increasingly shifted into the focus of scientific research since 2001/2004 (i.e., 9/11 and the Indian Ocean Tsunami). Based on the qualitative content analysis, clear definitions of the terms coordination, cooperation and collaboration in SCM and RSCM were elaborated. The research landscape, as a result of the quantitative content analysis, allowed the identification of three issues that need to be addressed in future research work.

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Aktuelle Publikation im International Journal of Production Research

How will the diffusion of additive manufacturing impact the raw material supply chain process?

Maximilian Kunovjanek & Gerald Reiner


This study investigates the potential of additive manufacturing (i.e. 3D printing) to alter established manufacturing and supply chain processes, complementing previous research work that deals with additive manufacturing and rapid prototyping. Additive manufacturing is a manufacturing technique, which allows the direct fabrication of three-dimensional design models using an additive approach by adding layer after layer. As additive manufacturing is inherently less wasteful and only applies raw material where needed, it constitutes a chance to reduce materials usage and related inventories. Even though the technology has faced considerable hype, its adoption still does not match the high expectations. The aim of this study is to overcome limitations of state-of-the-art impact assessments by integrating the potential reduction of materials inventories through the adoption of additive manufacturing in manufacturing and to point out possible implications for supply chain processes. For this purpose, a dynamic evaluation model was developed analysing the adoption of additive manufacturing by integrating the Bass diffusion model to provide interesting and novel results for both practitioners and researchers. The study shows that additive manufacturing can indeed reduce raw materials inventory by approximately 4% and that the diffusion rate is likely to be affected by the utility of the technology.

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Dienstantritt von Michael Knapp

Mag. Michael Knapp wird in den nächsten vier Jahren als Universitätsassistent am Institut für Soziologie tätig sein. Im Rahmen seiner Dissertation beschäftigt er sich mit Freelancern in wissensintensiven Dienstleistungsbranchen und mit Coworking Spaces als Gemeinschaftsbüros für digitale Arbeitsformen.