Aktuelle Publikation im International Journal of Production Economics


We investigate the sensitivity of a class of (s,S) inventory models with respect to the perturbation of the demand distribution in terms of ergodicity coefficients. Ergodicity coefficients can be regarded as matrix norms that are useful to study qualitative as well as quantitative properties of some classes of stochastic systems. We obtain estimations of the absolute deviation of the stationary vector of the underlying Markov chain subject to perturbations. The particular structure of the transition matrix of this class of models allows us to derive simple closed form formulae for the computation of the ergodicity coefficients as well as the perturbation bounds. The perturbation bounds obtained can help us to decide whether or not the model remains an acceptable representation of the real system and thus decide whether or not it can be trusted for real life applications. Under perturbation, e.g. estimation errors or approximations, an optimal solution for the mathematical model may not be optimal for the real system and if implemented, the real performance measures may deteriorate considerably and deviate from the targeted values. Numerical examples are given to illustrate how the perturbation of the demand distribution may have a considerable impact on the optimal inventory policy and the performance measures in some cases. In a practical setting, the understanding of the sensitivity results for inventory models can help us to identify the parameters that have to be estimated with most attention and how to build models that are robust and as close as possible to the real systems they represent.

The full paper is available at the following link: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925527317300737

Aktuelle Publikation im Journal of Industrial Ecology


The article investigates the factors that make businesses postpone integrating the performance dimension of sustainability in global agrifood supply chains. Based on literature-based conceptual reasoning, the article conceptualizes a double company lens distinguishing between substantial supply chain management and mere public relations endeavors as a major obstacle for businesses pursuing comprehensive supply chain performance in global agrifood chains. We point out that many supply chain performance attributes represent, in fact, credence attributes that cannot be verified by the consumer, hence entailing an information asymmetry between the company and its consumers. Rational business responses to this situation tend to focus on symbolic actions and communication efforts by means of sustainability reports and other brand-enhancing marketing tools that may be decoupled from substantial operations and supply chain improvements. The research propositions developed have partly been corroborated by a content analysis of annual and sustainability reports of four major agrifood companies (Nestlé, PepsiCo, Unilever, and Mondelez International). The conceptual arguments and empirical analysis presented in the article may serve as the basis for managers and academics to develop innovative inter- and intraorganizational business processes that reconcile trade-offs between various agrifood supply chain performance dimensions, thus pushing the performance frontier outward, and that provide the necessary transparency for overcoming the currently adverse setting of incentives inherent in the food production, processing, retailing, and consumption system.

The full paper is available at the following link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jiec.12440/full


Annual SemI40 General Assembly

The annual SemI40 (“Power Semiconductor and Electronics Manufacutring”) General Assembly hosted by Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt took place from 19-20 April, 2017. The Department of Operations, Energy, and Environmental Management welcomed more than 70 experts from several European Countries including Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Portugal.

The General Assembly served for presenting and discussing the results achieved by each project partner in the first year. The work package leaders presented the status of their objectives and the related plans for the next months. The first year was concluded positively without any deviation or additive risk for the project.

SemI40 will focus on “smart production” and “cyber-physical production systems” in the next three years with secure data traffic playing a key role within and outside factories. With a volume of 62 million euros, the research project is one of the largest Industry 4.0 projects in European Union.


Veranstaltungshinweis: „Industry meets Makers“ von Infineon am 27. April 2017

Die Veranstaltung „Industry meets Makers“, am 27. April 2017 um 18:30 Uhr,  unseres Partners Infineon richtet sich explizit an Studierende aller Fachrichtungen.

Es handelt sich dabei um ein Projekt, das darauf abzielt, neue Kollaborationsmodelle zwischen Industrie und der kreativen Maker-Szene anzustoßen.
Mit dem Briefing „E-Vehicles und Smart Accessories für einen grüneren Arbeitsweg“ sucht Infineon die kreativsten Konzepte, um den Weg zur Arbeit umweltfreundlicher zu gestalten.

Infos zur Veranstaltung und Bewerbung finden Sie hier

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Sollten Sie oder Ihre Studierenden Fragen oder Anregungen zum Thema E-Mobility haben, so können Sie sich gerne auch an das Projektmanagement Mobilität von Infineon  unter Leitung von Herrn Mag. Matthias Felsberger wenden.