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ICS – project – publication “Metadata Quality for Biobanks”

The research paper “Metadata Quality for Biobanks“, written by the ICS – project group members Dr. phil. Volodymyr Shekhovtsov and O.Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Johann Eder, is available on the following link:

The paper “Metadata Quality for Biobankshas been published in applied sciences on the 23th of September 2022 and is available as free full-text on the link over it.


The mission of biobanks is to provide biological material and data for medical research. Reproducible medical studies of high quality require material and data with established quality. Metadata, defined as data that provides information about other data, represents the content of biobank collections, particularly which data accompanies the stored samples and which quality the available data features. The quality of biobank metadata themselves, however, is currently neither properly defined nor investigated in depth. We list the properties of biobanks that are most important for metadata quality management and emphasize both the role of biobanks as data brokers, which are responsible not for the quality of the data itself but for the quality of its representation, and the importance of supporting the search for biobank collections when the sample data is not accessible. Based on an intensive review of metadata definitions and definitions of quality characteristics, we establish clear definitions of metadata quality attributes and their metrics in a design science approach. In particular, we discuss the quality measures accuracy, completeness, coverage, consistency, timeliness, provenance, reliability, accessibility, and conformance to expectations together with their respective metrics. These definitions are intended as a foundation for establishing metadata quality management systems for biobanks.


Keywords: metadata; data quality; biobank; quality metrics

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Der logische Weg (in die Informatik)

Alice Tarzariol stammt aus dem Veneto, ging für ihr Bachelor- und Masterstudium nach Udine und kam dann für das Doktoratsstudium an die Universität Klagenfurt. Ihre Arbeiten zu Logik finden international Beachtung, wie ihr kürzlicher Erfolg bei der International Conference on Logic Programming zeigt, wo sie den Best Student Paper Award gewann. Wir haben mit ihr über ihren Weg in die Informatik gesprochen. Weiterlesen