Alle News von der Fakultät für Technische Wissenschaften

Optimierung: Exzellenzprogramm für Mathematik in Klagenfurt

Das Institut für Mathematik der Alpen-Adria-Universität ist Teil eines European Training Network, gefördert vom Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Programm in EU-H2020. Ziel ist es, den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs in der Angewandten Mathematik, insbesondere in der gemischt-ganzzahligen nichtlinearen Optimierung, auszubilden. 


Martin Pinzger has been elevated to an IEEE Senior Member.

Martin Pinzger has been elevated to an IEEE Senior Member. IEEE is one of the world’s largest professional associations for the advancement of technology. Only less than 9% of the more than 400,000 members hold this grade, which requires significant professional maturity and achievements.

Martin joined IEEE as a student member in 2001 and since then has been serving on the program committee of several major IEEE conferences in software engineering, such as ICSE, ASE, and FSE. He also served as the general chair of the IEEE SANER 2017.

Colloquium Lecture of Prof. Dr. Eder at New Jersey Institute of Technology, New Jersey

Supporting the Donation of Data for Medical Research.

The annotation of the biological samples with quality-controlled data about the donor significantly increases the usefulness of biological material collected in biobanks for medical research.

New Jersey Institute of Technology, 6. April 2017

The Stork Brings the Babies: Understanding Statistics Properly

In an increasing way, analysing data reigns the world: Amazon calculates what we want to shop, Google interprets by our Internet search behaviour who we are, health care is based on statistics. Manfred Borovcnik identifies a demand for the extension of competences with respect to understanding statistics properly.


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