Wissenschaftliche/r Projektmitarbeiter/in ohne Doktorat (Kennzahl 34), BOKU, Wien

Am Department für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Institut für Wald-, Umwelt- und Ressourcenpolitik kommt es, im Rahmen eines drittmittelfinanzierten Projektes, zur Besetzung einer Stelle als:

Wissenschaftliche/r Projektmitarbeiter/in ohne Doktorat (Kennzahl 34)

Beschäftigungsausmaß: 30 Wochenstunden Dauer des Dienstverhältnisses: 01.05.2017, befristet bis 30.04.2018 (mit Option auf Verlängerung für 2 Jahre)

Einstufung gem. Univ.-KV, Verwendungsgruppe: B1 Bruttomonatsgehalt (abhängig von der anrechenbaren Vorerfahrung) mind.: € 2.048,30 (14x jährlich, zusätzlich bieten wir ein attraktives Personalentwicklungsprogramm und umfassende Sozialleistungen)

Im Kontext des ERA-NET Project POLYFORES (“Decision Making Support for Forest Ecosystem Services in Europe – Value Assessment, Synergy Effects and Trade-offs“) suchen wir eine/n Projektmitarbeiter/in mit dem Ziel, eine Dissertation zu verfassen.

Aufgaben Im Rahmen des Projektes arbeiten Wissenschafter/innen der Sozial- und Naturwissenschaften aus sieben Nationen zusammen. Dabei steht die Erfassung und Bewertung verschiedener Waldökosystemdienstleistungen im Zentrum des gemeinsamen wissenschaftlichen Interesses. Der/die von uns gesuchte Projektassistent/in wird am regionalen Zentrum des Europäischen Forstinstituts, das an der BOKU beheimatet ist, arbeiten und soll einerseits die sozialen Werte, die mit Waldökosystemleistungen verbunden sind, in den zu untersuchenden Ländern erfassen und analysieren; andererseits wird er/sie die Politiken und Strategien identifizieren, die diese Waldökosystemdienstleistungen betreffen und die Synergien und Inkohärenzen zwischen diesen Politiken und Strategien offenlegen.
Weiters wird erwartet, dass der/die Projektassistent/in Publikationstätigkeiten, insbesondere peer-reviewte und SSCI-Publikationen übernimmt die Durchführung und Einwerbung von Forschungsprojekten und das Abhalten von wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen, Workshops udgl. unterstützt und im Rahmen der Anstellung eine Dissertation verfasst.
Aufnahmeerfordernis Abgeschlossenes Diplomstudium in Politikwissenschaft, Umweltpolitikwissenschaft, Umwelt- und Bio-Ressourcenmanagement oder ein verwandtes Studium mit Abschlussarbeit in einem der folgenden Forschungsfelder: Umweltpolitik, Waldpolitik, Klimapolitik, Wasserpolitik, Naturschutzpolitik BewerberInnen ohne politikwissenschaftlichen Abschluss müssen Erfahrung und Qualifikation in der Bearbeitung politikwissenschaftlicher Fragestellungen nachweisen (z.B. im Rahmen der Abschlussarbeit oder von Projekten) Qualitative Methoden und vorzugsweise auch quantitative Methoden bzw. die Bereitschaft sich in diesen Methoden weiter zu bilden Sehr gute Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift

Weitere erwünschte Qualifikationen Publikationserfahrung, bevorzugt in wissenschaftlichen Journalen Erfahrung in der Einwerbung und/oder Durchführung von Forschungsprojekten (Projektmanagement) Interesse und Bereitschaft zu interdisziplinärer Arbeit in Forschung Autonomes wissenschaftliches Arbeiten in einem (internationalen) Team Präsentationserfahrung Teamfähigkeit

Erscheinungstermin: 24.03.2017

Bewerbungsfrist: 14.04.2017

Die BOKU strebt eine Erhöhung des Frauenanteils an und fordert daher qualifizierte Frauen ausdrücklich zur Bewerbung auf. Bewerberinnen, die gleich geeignet sind wie der bestgeeignete Mitbewerber, werden vorrangig aufgenommen, sofern nicht in der Person eines Mitbewerbers liegende Gründe überwiegen.

Wir freuen uns über Ihre Bewerbung an: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien Institut für Wald-, Umwelt- und Ressourcenpolitik z.H. Frau Mag.a Dr.in Helga Pülzl Feistmantelstraße 4 1180 Wien E-Mail: helga [dot] puelzl [at] boku [dot] ac [dot] at
Die Bewerberinnen und Bewerber haben keinen Anspruch auf Abgeltung aufgelaufener Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus Anlass des Aufnahmeverfahrens entstanden sind.


Postdoc position – Economic Geography and Sustainability Transitions, Lund

Fully financed 2-year postdoc in Economic Geography and Sustainability Transitions at the Department of Human Geography in Lund.


The position is primarily related to the project “Where Does the Green Economy Grow? The Geography of Nordic Sustainability Transitions” http://nordicinnovation.org/projects/the-nordic-green-growth-research-and-innovation-programme/where-does-the-green-economy-grow/


The postdoc to be hired is expected to live in or relocate to the region (the Lund-Malmö-Copenhagen area).


Application deadline: May 1st

All info and link to the online application system: https://lu.mynetworkglobal.com/en/what:job/jobID:139733/where:4/

Research Associate (m/f) for the project „Mobilizing the co-benefits of renewable energies“, Potsdam

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal State of Brandenburg, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS) in Potsdam is devoted to the holistic, transdisciplinary, and international study of climate change, the components of the Earth system, and sustainability. For further information on the IASS see www.iass-potsdam.de/en.

The IASS is seeking a

Research Associate (m/f)
for the project „Mobilizing the co-benefits of renewable energies“

Ref. No. COBENEFITS-2017-02

Within the work area „Multiple Opportunities of Renewable Energies“ the project elaborates country specific co-benefits of climate policies, with emphasis on the opportunities presented by renewable power generation – such as local value creation, employment, health, water use, energy access and energy security – in India, South Africa, Turkey and Vietnam.

The policy-oriented project closely collaborates with research institutes and relevant Ministries in the partner countries in terms of co-creating and mobilizing knowledge in view of ambitious and effective NDC implementation in these countries. It enables international mutual learning and capacity building among policy makers, knowledge partners and multipliers on enabling environments to seizing the co-benefits of renewable power generation.

We are seeking a Research Associate to contribute in the following working areas:
•Supporting and supervising co-benefit assessments by research institutes in partner countries in terms of method development and validation, scientific quality control and policy-oriented data interpretation.
•Organization and co-facilitation of science-policy round tables in partner countries.
•Contributing to joint publication of results for an international scientific audience and policy makers as well as broader society in the partner countries.

•Strong expertise on renewable and conventional energy systems and markets.
•Research experiences and methodological knowledge related to these areas and the above mentioned opportunities opportunities presented by renewable power generation, building on a Master degree or PhD.
•Profound knowledge on international climate and energy policy related to the post Paris process of NDC implementation, specific knowledge in view of the partner countries is a strong asset.
•Excellent language and communication skills in English; skills in other languages of the partner countries are valuable.
•Experiences in science-policy communication and facilitation skills are a strong asset.

We offer you:
•The opportunity to work in a vibrant, innovative and interdisciplinary working environment within a dynamic team in the science-policy interface.
•Excellent contacts to a range of national and international policy and research organizations.
•The full time position will be remunerated in accordance with the German salary group TVöD 13. The position will be filled asap and is limited until 31.07.2019.

Handicapped applicants will be given preference in case of equal qualifications.

Applications should include a letter of motivation (maximum 1 page) a CV and relevant work samples. Application materials should be sent in 1 file (pdf) to Dr. Sebastian Helgenberger by e-mail (sebastian [dot] helgenberger [at] iass-potsdam [dot] de) making reference to the No. COBENEFITS-2017-02. Deadline for submitting the application is 31.03.2017. Interviews can be expected to be scheduled in the first week of April. Please specify in your application how you became aware of the offered position at the IASS.

Research Associate (m/f) for the project „Mobilizing the co-benefits of renewable energies“, Postdam

Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Federal State of Brandenburg, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS) in Potsdam is devoted to the holistic, transdisciplinary, and international study of climate change, the components of the Earth system, and sustainability. For further information on the IASS see www.iass-potsdam.de/en.

The IASS is seeking a

Research Associate (m/f)
for the project „Mobilizing the co-benefits of renewable energies“

Science-Policy Communication
Ref. No. COBENEFITS-2017-03

Within the work area „Multiple Opportunities of Renewable Energies“ the project elaborates country specific co-benefits of climate policies, with emphasis on the opportunities presented by renewable power generation – such as local value creation, employment, health, water use, energy access and energy security – in India, South Africa, Turkey and Vietnam.

The policy-oriented project closely collaborates with research institutes and relevant Ministries in the partner countries in terms of co-creating and mobilizing knowledge in view of ambitious and effective implementation of climate policies (NDC) in these countries. It enables international mutual learning and capacity building among policy makers, knowledge partners and multipliers on enabling environments to seizing the co-benefits of renewable power generation.

We are seeking a Research Associate to contribute in the following working areas:

  • In charge of professional science-policy communication in view of diverse target groups and formats, in terms of continuous social media communication (e.g. twitter), media contacts, newsletter editing and publishing, as well as developing, editing and reviewing website structure and contents.
  • Editorial support for the team in terms of target group oriented language and contents of publications, presentations and summaries for policy makers.
  • Developing, updating and overseeing a publication / dissemination plan and strategy in terms of reports, presentations / talks and in view of relevant target groups (international and in partner countries), political impact and timing.


  • Proven experiences in policy-oriented communication and policy formulation preferably connected to national and international climate and energy policies, related to the post Paris process of NDC implementation.
  • Academic training (Master degree) in a subject area relevant to the project contents.
  • Editorial experiences, writing skills and enthusiasm to mobilizing knowledge through different formats, media and for political and scientific audiences; graphical skills are an asset.
  • Experiences in editing and managing website content as well as Newsletters and Social Media.
  • Excellent language and communication skills in English language – English as mother tongue is a strong asset. Skills in other languages of the partner countries are valuable.

We offer you:

  • The opportunity to work in a vibrant, innovative and interdisciplinary working environment within a dynamic team in the science-policy interface.
  • Excellent contacts to a range of national and international policy and research organizations.
  • The position (60%, doctorate as option) will be remunerated in accordance with the German salary group TVöD 13. The position will be filled asap and is limited until 29.02.2020.

Handicapped applicants will be given preference in case of equal qualifications.