Resource use in small Island states: Material flows in Iceland and Trinidad and Tobago 1961-2008: Online MFA 1961-2008 dataset.

This dataset contains data on extraction, imports, exports and apparent consumption by material groups for the period 1961 to 2008. Data are presented in metric tons. Additionally data on population and GDP (in USD at const. 2000 prices) are provided.
Quote data as: Krausmann, F., Richter, R., Eisenmenger, N., 2014. Resource use in small Island states: Material flows in Iceland and Trinidad and Tobago 1961-2008. Journal of Industrial Ecology 18 (2) 294-305. Download paper from:

Journal of Industrial Ecology
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Energy Consumption Vienna 1800 to 2009

A City and its Hinterland: Vienna’s Energy Metabolism 1800-2006: Online EFA 1800-2009 dataset.

This dataset contains data on energy consumption in the city of Vienna for the period 1800 to 2009 by main energy types. Energy flow data is provided by main energy type: food for humans, feed for urban working animals, fuel wood, coal, petroleum products (heating oil and transport fuel), natural gas, imported electricity and other energy. Data are presented as totals (PJ); data on total energy use and technical energy use are also provided in per capita values [GJ/cap/y].
Quote data as: Krausmann, F. 2013. A City and its Hinterland: Vienna’s Energy Metabolism 1800-2006. In: Singh, S., Haberl, H., Schmid, M., Mirtl, M., Chertow, M. Long Term Socio Ecological Research. Springer, New York.
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Material Flows India 1961 to 2008

India’s biophysical economy, 1961 – 2008. Sustainability in a national and global context: Online MFA 1961-2008 dataset.
This dataset contains data on extraction, imports, exports and apparent consumption of main material groups and primary energy for the period 1961 to 2008. Mass flows are provided for biomass, fossil energy carriers, ores and industrial minerals and construction minerals. Data are presented as global totals (1000t), per capita of global population (t/cap/yr) and per unit of global GDP (t/$ 1990 intl. $/yr).
Quote data as: Singh, S. J., Krausmann, F., Gingrich, S., Haberl, H., Erb, K.-H., Lanz, P., 2012. India’s biophysical economy, 1961 – 2008. Sustainability in a national and global context. Ecological Economics 76, 60-69.


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Material and Energy Flows in the United States of America, 1870 to 2005

The physical economy of the United States of America : Extraction, trade and consumption of materials from 1870 to 2005: Online database version 1.1
This dataset contains data on extraction, imports, exports and domestic material and primary energy consumption by main material groups and energy types for the period between1870 to 2005. It provides data on socio-economic indicators (population, GDP), metabolic rates (resource flow per capita) and resource intensity (resource flow per GDP). Material flow data are given in 1000 t/yr and energy flow data are given in PJ/yr.


Quote data as: Gierlinger, S., Krausmann, F., 2012. The physical economy of the United States of America : Extraction, trade and consumption of materials from 1870 to 2005. Journal of Industrial Ecology 16(3), 365-377.


Journal of Industrial Ecology


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