Long term changes in social metabolism and land use in Czechoslovakia 1830-2002: An energy transition under changing political regimes. Online database

This dataset contains yearly totals of the data presented in graphs and tables of Kuskova et al. (2008).


Quote data as:
Kuskova, P., S. Gingrich and F. Krausmann, 2008. Long term changes in social metabolism and land use in Czechoslovakia, 1830-2000: An energy transition under changing political regimes. Ecological Economics 68(1-2), 394-407.


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The global socio-metabolic transition: past and present metabolic profiles and their future trajectories: Online material and energy flow (MEFA) dataset.

This dataset contains data on material and energy flows for 175 countries in the year 2000. It provides data on domestic extraction, imports and exports as well as total and per capita values of apparent consumption of materials (in metric tons) and energy (in petajoule) by material and energy type. It contains the original data used in the Krausmann et al. 2008 (version 1.0) and a thoroughly revised version of the material flow data (version 1.1)

Quote data as:
Krausmann, F., M. Fischer-Kowalski, H. Schandl and N. Eisenmenger, 2008. The global socio-metabolic transition: past and present metabolic profiles and their future trajectories. Journal of Industrial Ecology 12(5-6), 637-657.

JIE online

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Carbon household and socio-economic change: Austria’s socio-economic carbon flows and carbon stocks in terrestrial vegetation 1830-2000

This dataset contains data on Austria’s land use and carbon stocks in terrestrial vegetation for 12 time points between 1830 and 2000, as well as yearly data on Austria’s socio-economic carbon metabolism (i.e. Domestic Extraction, Imports, Exports and Domestic Consumption) from 1830 to 2000.

Quote data as:
Erb, K.-H., S. Gingrich, F. Krausmann and H. Haberl, 2008. Industrialization, fossil fuels and the transformation of land use: An integrated analysis of carbon flows in Austria 1830-2000. Journal of Industrial Ecology 12(5-6), 686-703.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2008.00076.x

Gingrich, S., K.-H. Erb, F. Krausmann, V. Gaube and H. Haberl, 2007. Long-term dynamics of terrestrial carbon stocks in Austria. A comprehensive assessment of the time period from 1830 to 2000. Regional Environmental Change 7(1), 37-47.
DOI: 10.1007/s10113-007-0024-6

Krausmann, F. (2001): Land Use and Industrial Modernization: an empirical analysis of human influence on the functioning of ecosystems in Austria 1830 – 1995. Land Use Policy 18(1), 17-26.
DOI: 10.1016/S0264-8377(00)00042-9

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The energetic metabolism of the EU-15 and the USA. Decadal energy input time-series with an emphasis on biomass: Online energy flow dataset.

This dataset contains data on the energetic metabolism of the EU-15 countries from 1970 to 2001 and for the USA from 1980-2000. It provides data on domestic extraction, import and export of energy, including biomass used for food, feed, fibre, energy and all other purposes in EJ/yr as well as GJ/cap/yr. It also provides data on the technical energy consumption as well as some derived indicators (Energy flows per unit of GDP and per unit area).

Quote data as:
Haberl, H., H. Weisz, C. Amann, A. Bondeau, N. Eisenmenger, K.-H. Erb, M. Fischer-Kowalski and F. Krausmann (2006). The energetic metabolism of the EU-15 and the USA. Decadal energy input time-series with an emphasis on biomass. Journal of Industrial Ecology 10(4), 151-171.

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