24 Jun

Linguistics Research Day: Ca‘ Foscari Linguistics Goes Klagenfurt

Veranstaltungsort: Z.1.29

Talk 1 (10.00-11.00), A. Giorgi and R. Hinterhölzl, The expression of surprise in syntax, gestures and prosody: an experimental study on German and Italian.Talk 2 (11.00-12.00), G. Bencini, The contributions of sentence production research to linguistics: addressing the “why” the “what” and the “how”.Talk 3 (14.00-15.00), D. Newbold, Attitudes to accents: the special case of English lingua franca.Talk 4 (15.00-16.00), M.E. Fina, Investigating multimodality in cultural heritage promotion: from genre analysis to translation teaching.

24 Jun
29 Jun
30 Jun