13 Aug

Sommerakademie 2018 – SAK 3- Englisch B2/C1

VeranstaltungsortAAUN.N.Veranstalter Deutsch in ÖsterreichBeschreibungEnglisch Intensivkurs, 2 Wochen Laufzeit, 20 Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche, Mo-Fr 9-12:30 UhrVortragende(r)muttersprachliche Lektor/inn/en von "Deutsch in Österreich"KontaktMonika Rader (monika.rader@aau.at) Anmeldepflichtig!http://dia.aau.at/de/fremdsprachenkurse/intensivkurse-sommerakademie/kurstermine-anmeldung/Kostenpflichtig!

20 Aug

Gastvortrag von Herrn Christian Kuehn (Technical University of Munich)

VeranstaltungsortAlpen-Adria-Universität KlagenfurtI.2.01Veranstalter Institut für MathematikBeschreibungDynamics of Nonlocal PDEsRecently, nonlocality has emerged as a highly active theme in differential equations. In my talk, I shall give several examples of PDEs, where nonlocal effects play a, sometimes quite surprising, role. I am going to focus on elementary examples of one-dimensional reaction-diffusion equations. We start with dynamics of the FKPP equation with nonlocal convolution terms, then consider nonlocal modulation equations with convolution terms, and then proceed to waves in the fractional-diffusion Nagumo equation. Having illustrated the deterministic PDE case, we also provide one stochastic example, where nonlocality plays a key role in the context of neural fields in the cortex.Vortragende(r)Christian KuehnKontaktSenka Haznadar (senka.omerhodzic@aau.at)

23 Aug

TEWI-Kolloquium: How software systems of the future will manage themselves

VeranstaltungsortE.2.42Veranstalter Fakultät für Technische WissenschaftenBeschreibungYou may have heard of autonomous self-driving cars, but what is autonomous self-driving software. Dynatrace has been running their software systems following a NoOps approach for several years now. Based on their experience they have developed a new approach to manage software applications using concepts like unbreakable delivery pipelines and self-healing deployments. Learn what is behind the idea of NoOps and how to build applications that run and manage themselves, what can be built today and what the future will bring.Vortragende(r)Alois ReitbauerKontaktKerstin Smounig (kerstin.smounig@aau.at)

27 Aug

Sommerakademie 2018 – SAK 4- Englisch Konversation

VeranstaltungsortAAUN.N.Veranstalter Deutsch in ÖsterreichBeschreibungEnglisch Konversationskurs ab Niveau B2, 20 Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche, Mo-Fr 9-12:30 Uhr, Vortragende(r)muttersprachliche Lektor/inn/en von "Deutsch in Österreich"KontaktMonika Rader (monika.rader@aau.at) Anmeldepflichtig!http://dia.aau.at/de/fremdsprachenkurse/intensivkurse-sommerakademie/kurstermine-anmeldung/Kostenpflichtig!Zahlungsbedingung:online oder im Sprachkursbüro