10 Apr

Glagolska prefiksacija u BKSu i njeni aspektualni efekti

VeranstaltungsortInstitut für SlawistikVeranstalter Institut für SlawistikBeschreibungVortragende(r)Univ.-Prof. Dr. Boban Arsenijevic (Karl Franzens Universität Graz)KontaktMag. Sandra Husanović (sandra.husanovic@aau.at)

10 Apr

The Everyday Border Work of European Citizens. Informal Volunteer Networks in Support of Refugees Coming to Europe

VeranstaltungsortD10.0.06Veranstalter Institut für KulturanalyseBeschreibungConcurrent to moral panics as well as outbursts of violence and discrimination, a plethora of European citizens responses to the 2015 refugee crisis have mushroomed in Europe, either organised in cooperation with refugee organisations and NGO’s, or in the shape of privately organized initiatives. In this talk I will present a still on-going research project, which explores different ways of doing informal modes of volunteer work in support of refugees coming to Europe. These citizens’ initiatives and activities tend to signal that formal decision-making and political action is not enough, and can be regarded as a form of border work taking place in informal settings (cf. Rumford 2006). Based on fieldwork conducted in a selection of European sites, the overall aim is to bring local versions of the ‘everyday border work’ together analytically in order to understand them in one and the same time as locally situated and globally substantiated.Vortragende(r)Marie Sandberg (Kopenhagen)KontaktJanine Schemmer (Janine.Schemmer@aau.at)

11 Apr

Vortrag von Austin Antoniou (Ohio State University) im Rahmen des DK – Seminars

VeranstaltungsortI.2.01Veranstalter Institut für MathematikBeschreibungI will discuss (briefly) the historical motivations of the study of non-unique factorizations then the various factoriality properties a monoid can have, from strongest to weakest. Finally, as an example of the complications that can arise in the non-cancellative case, I will discuss power monoids, a fairly new class of monoids which connects the study of factorizations to arithmetic combinatorics.Vortragende(r)Austin Antoniou (Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio)KontaktSenka Haznadar (senka.omerhodzic@aau.at)

11 Apr

Vortrag von Sarah Nakato (TU Graz) im Rahmen des DK – Seminars

VeranstaltungsortI.2.01Veranstalter Institut für MathematikBeschreibungFor a domain D with quotient field K, the ring of integer-valued polynomials on D,Int(D) = {f in K | for all a in D, f(a) in D }in general does not have unique factorization of elements. In this talk, we discuss non-unique factorizations in Int(Z) where Z is the ring of integers.We present two main results. First, for any finite multiset N of natural numbers greater than 1, there exists a polynomial f in Int(Z) which has exactly |N| essentially different factorizations of the prescribed lengths.In particular, this implies that every finite non-empty set N of natural numbers greater than1 occurs as a set of lengths of a polynomial f in Int(Z). Second, we show that the multiplicative monoid of Int(Z) is not a transfer Krull monoid.Furthermore, we show that both results hold in Int(D) where D is a Dedekind domain with infinitely maximal ideals of finite index.Vortragende(r)Sarah Nakato (TU GRAZ)KontaktSenka Haznadar (senka.omerhodzic@aau.at)