Vortrag im Rahmen des Doctoral Seminars von Frau Shudian Zhao
VeranstaltungsortN.2.01Veranstalter Institut für MathematikBeschreibungTitel: Nonlinear Energy Network and Heuristic Methods forLarge-scale MINLPKurzfassung:In this talk I will introduce a nonlinear maximization problem for a simpleenergy network instance. The network consists of machines to produceheat and a storage tank and it is formulated as a mixed-integer nonlinearprogramming problem (MINLP). This problem is NP-hard, a large-scaleMINLP cannot be solved efficiently by nonlinear solvers. In this talk, I willexplain the formulation of the model, the difficulties of this problem andthe methods used to solve this problem in practice.Vortragende(r)Shudian ZhaoKontaktSenka Haznadar (senka.haznadar@aau.at)