27 Jun

Using prosody to predict upcoming referents: the role of recent exposure in the L1 and the L2

VeranstaltungsortE.1.05Veranstalter Institut für Anglistik und AmerikanistikBeschreibungListeners make predictions about upcoming sentence material during language processing. Monolingual English and monolingual German listeners can use contrastive pitch accents to predict upcoming referents (e.g. Ito & Speer, 2008; Weber, Braun, & Crocker, 2006). For example, when hearing Click on the blue book. Click on the RED… (where CAPS indicate a contrastive pitch accent), adults predict that the noun book will be repeated. This leads to facilitative processing if book is actually repeated and to a prosodic garden-path effect if another noun follows red. In contrast, adults are reliably less likely to make the same prediction when hearing Click on the blue book. Click on the red… (without a L+H* accent), suggesting that the prediction is driven by the prosody. In this talk, I will present results from an eyetracking study that extends these previous findings from monolinguals to German-English bilinguals and that explores the role of recent exposure for predictive processing. The results suggest that bilinguals use the same prosodic cue differently in their L1 and their L2. Specifically, the bilinguals in the study show the same patterns of results in their L1 than monolingual native speakers: they engage in predictive processing in their L1 and this predictive processing is modulated by whether or not the speaker has previously used the prosodic cues consistently. In contrast, bilinguals do not initially engage in predictive processing in the L2 and are less sensitive to whether or not the speaker uses the prosodic cues consistently. I argue that the results are most compatible with a resource-deficit account of second language processing.Vortragende(r)Dr. Anouschka Foltz (Bangor University)KontaktAlexander Onysko (alexander.onysko@aau.at)

27 Jun

Mesa de Español

VeranstaltungsortAula BuffetVeranstalter Institut für RomanistikBeschreibungJeden Mittwoch findet von 18:00 bis 20:00 Uhr in der AULA der Universität Klagenfurt ein spanischer Stammtisch statt.Wir sprechen in freundschaftlicher, zwangloser Atmosphäre über verschiedenste Themen, die von allgemeinem Interesse sind.Alle Personen, die Freude an einer spanischen Konversation haben, sind herzlich zum meinen Stammtisch eingeladen, auch Anfänger!Für mehr Information, bitte die Facebook-Website „Mesa de español Klagenfurt“ besuchen.KontaktDr. Jaime Climent de Benito (jaime.climent@aau.at)

28 Jun

wiwi aktuell_Vortrag: Digitalisierung als Herausforderung für Fachdidaktik, Lehre und den GW-Unterricht

VeranstaltungsortSodalitas Bildungshaus, Propsteiweg 1, TainachVeranstalter Institut für Geographie und RegionalforschungBeschreibungDie Digitalisierung unserer Lebens- und Arbeitswelt ist weit fortgeschritten, sodass auch Schule und Unterricht darauf vorbereiten müssen.  Medienbildung und digitale Grundbildung sind Aufgaben der Schule in allen Altersstufen, auch im Fach GW = Geographie und Wirtschaft(skunde). Die Fachdidaktik GW versucht dies in mehreren Konzeptionen zu begründen. Auch digitale Werkzeuge spielen in der Unterrichtsgestaltung durch ihre Möglichkeiten zur Visualisierung, zur Interaktion und zur Individualisierung des Lernprozesses eine bedeutende Rolle. Der Vortrag versucht dies durch praktische Beispiele zu konkretisieren, den Bezug zur wissenschaftlichen Theorien herzustellen und Forderungen für uns als Lehrende in der Ausbildung und Fortbildung von GW-Lehrenden abzuleiten.Vortragende(r)Prof. Mag. Alfons KollerKontaktNatalie Schöttl (natalie.schoettl@aau.at)

28 Jun

wiwi aktuell_Vortrag: Finding Balance in the Post-Truth World of the Anthropocene: A Geovisual Approach

VeranstaltungsortSodalitas Bildungshaus, Propsteiweg 1, TainachVeranstalter Institut für Geographie und RegionalforschungBeschreibungThe modernist dream of development is over. Its maps and charts have limited relevance, if at all, for the post-truth world of the anthropocene. These times also call for new types of geovisualization. In spite of the characteristic indifference to facts that dominate media today, this talk suggests that geovisualization can contribute to the process of finding balance for the new situation, which transcends the perception of fragmentation in the contemporary world. Geovisualization is no panacea, but in its mutability offers modes and means of communication to facilitate understanding and change, discuss transgressions and find common ground for mitigation and empowerment. It also remains a focus of critical engagement and tension. After the predominance of maps in modernity, people around the world are developing new forms of geo-graphical communication that account for new experiences of reality. This talk will present some examples and concepts for the development of engagement and creation of geovisualizations to find balances. Even imperfect, instead of material consumption and hegemonic rhetorical constructions, these new approaches and geovisualizations support processes of finding balance in the world through the engagement with uncommon interests and the development of a dynamic sense of balance commensurate with developments in this epoch. Vortragende(r)Prof. Dr. Francis HarveyKontaktNatalie Schöttl (natalie.schoettl@aau.at)