12 Jan.

Inspiring Innovation – Wir meistern gemeinsam die Energiewende

Veranstaltungsort: inspire! Lab (Gebäude B12a, Raumnummer 1.4.1) (Lakesidepark)

Motto: „Wir meistern gemeinsam die Energiewende“Das ist die Mission von Kärnten Solar und an dieser arbeitet ein engagiertes und motiviertes Team. Wie es zu dieser Vision gekommen ist und wie sich das Unternehmen in den vergangenen 10 Jahren entwickelt hat, verrät Geschäftsführer DI Dr. Michael Jaindl. Vortrag: DI Dr. Michael Jaindl, Kärnten Solar |Ingenieurbüro Jaindl&Garz GmbH www.kaernten-solar.atDie Möglichkeit zum Diskutieren und Gedankenaustausch im Anschluss ist sowohl bei Präsenz als auch bei Online Teilnahme möglich.Für Online Teilnahme bitte Anmeldung unter innovation@aau.at

12 Jan.

The Magic Of Creative Writing

Veranstaltungsort: Musil-Haus, Bahnhofstraße 50, 9020 Klagenfurt (Veranstaltungssaal)

“The Magic of Creative Writing” is the inaugural event of a year-long celebration in 2023 of the fiftieth anniversary of the Department of English at the University of Klagenfurt. An enchanting evening of literary delights created by department staff and students will be presented. Prose, poetry, and song will be presented in English and German to highlight the cultural exchange encouraged in the department. We are happy to announce the people who will be sharing their works with you. To start the evening off, Werner Delanoy will present the audience with a handful of his songs. Alexa Weik von Mossner will read from her recently published novel Fragile. Blake Shedd will read a selection of English and German poetry. A selection from her new novella Romeo and Juliet will be shared by Iris van der Horst. And last, another genre of music—rap—will be shared with the audience by Alexander Striessnig. Please join us for this celebration of creative writing to mark our fiftieth year!

12 Jan.


Veranstaltungsort: Musilhaus (Klagenfurt)

“The Magic of Creative Writing” is the inaugural event of a year-long celebration in 2023 of the fiftieth anniversary of the Department of English at the University of Klagenfurt. An enchanting evening of literary delights created by department staff and students will be presented. Prose, poetry, and song will be presented in English and German to highlight the cultural exchange encouraged in the department. We are happy to announce the people who will be sharing their works with you. To start the evening off, Werner Delanoy will present the audience with a handful of his songs. Alexa Weik von Mossner will read from her recently published novel Fragile. Blake Shedd will read a selection of English and German poetry. A selection from her new novella The Song of Romeo and Juliet will be shared by Iris van der Horst. And last, another genre of music—rap—will be shared with the audience by Alexander Striessnig. Please join us for this celebration of creative writing to mark our fiftieth year!