17 Dez.

JIRA Servicedesk

VeranstaltungsortHS 3Veranstalter Zentraler Informatikdienst (ZID)Beschreibung◾Kennenlernen der Benutzeroberfläche & Bedienung ◾Erstellen Sie selbst Anfragen an das ZID Team ◾Melden Sie Fehler direkt und unverzüglich ◾Verfolgen Sie die Abarbeitung Ihrer Anfrage ◾Sehen Sie den JIRA Servicedesk aus Sicht der Servicedesk-MitarbeiterInnen ◾30-45 Minuten Live-Präsentation, danach Fragerunde und DiskussionVortragende(r)Stefan Bürger Bakk.techn.KontaktIsolde Dueller (isolde.dueller@aau.at) Anmeldepflichtig!

18 Dez.

Vortrag im Rahmen des Doctoral Seminars von Frau Shudian Zhao

VeranstaltungsortN.2.01Veranstalter Institut für MathematikBeschreibungTitel: Nonlinear Energy Network and Heuristic Methods forLarge-scale MINLPKurzfassung:In this talk I will introduce a nonlinear maximization problem for a simpleenergy network instance. The network consists of machines to produceheat and a storage tank and it is formulated as a mixed-integer nonlinearprogramming problem (MINLP). This problem is NP-hard, a large-scaleMINLP cannot be solved efficiently by nonlinear solvers. In this talk, I willexplain the formulation of the model, the difficulties of this problem andthe methods used to solve this problem in practice.Vortragende(r)Shudian ZhaoKontaktSenka Haznadar (senka.haznadar@aau.at)

18 Dez.

Einführung in die Bibliotheksbenützung

VeranstaltungsortUniversitätsbibliothek - EingangsbereichVeranstalter Universitätsbibliothek (UB)BeschreibungZiel: Kennenlernen des Angebots der Universitätsbibliothek und räumliche OrientierungInhalt:Benützung des Online-Katalogs, Benützungs- und Ausleihmodalitäten, Rundgang durch die Bibliothek(Lehrbuchsammlung, Zeitschriftenaufstellung, Semesterapparate, Freihandaufstellungen)Methoden: Vortrag mit anschließendem Rundgang durch die BibliothekVortragende(r)MitarbeiterInnen der UniversitätsbibliothekKontaktMag. Georg Klutz (georg.klutz@aau.at) Anmeldepflichtig!ab 24.09. Anmeldung möglich!

19 Dez.

Empirical review of Java program repair tools: a large-scale experiment on 2,141 bugs and 23,551 repair attempts

VeranstaltungsortS.1.37Veranstalter Fakultät für Technische WissenschaftenBeschreibungIn the past decade, research on test-suite-based automatic program repair has grown significantly. Each year, new approaches and implementations are featured in major software engineering venues. However, most of those approaches are evaluated on a single benchmark of bugs, which are also rarely reproduced by other researchers. In this paper, we present a large-scale experiment using 11 Java test-suite-based repair tools and 2,141 bugs from 5 benchmarks. Our goal is to have a better understanding of the current state of automatic program repair tools on a large diversity of benchmarks. Our investigation is guided by the hypothesis that the repairability of repair tools might not be generalized across different benchmarks. We found that the 11 tools 1) are able to generate patches for 21% of the bugs from the 5 benchmarks, and 2) have better performance on Defects4J compared to other benchmarks, by generating patches for 47% of the bugs from Defects4J compared to 10-30% of bugs from the other benchmarks. Our experiment comprises 23,551 repair attempts, which we used to find causes of non-patch generation. These causes are reported in this presentation, which can help repair tool designers to improve their approaches and tools. This work was presented at ESEC/FSE19 and was given an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award.Vortragende(r)Assoc.-Prof. Rui AbreuKontaktChristian Timmerer (christian.timmerer@itec.aau.at)