Der Bücherflohmarkt bietet allen Interessierten Lehrbücher und wissenschaftliche Literatur aus allen Fachgebieten sowie Belletristik, Kinderbücher und sonstige Sachliteratur zu Sonderkonditionen (Kilopreise) an.
Der Bücherflohmarkt bietet allen Interessierten Lehrbücher und wissenschaftliche Literatur aus allen Fachgebieten sowie Belletristik, Kinderbücher und sonstige Sachliteratur zu Sonderkonditionen (Kilopreise) an.
A rectangulation is a partition of a rectangle into rectangles. There are two natural ways to define "structurally identical" rectangulations: via rectangle–segment contacts (the weak equivalence), and via rectangle–rectangle contacts (the strong equivalence). Guillotine rectangulations are rectangulations with a simple recursive structure. In this talk, I will briefly present recent results concerning combinatorics of rectangulations:(1) A uniform treatment of representation of weak and strong rectangulations by posets and permutations,(2) A permutation class in bijection with strong guillotine rectangulations,(3) Enumeration of weak guillotine rectangulations that avoid certain patterns.This research was conducted as a part of the project Generic Rectangulations funded by FWF.Parts (1) and (2) are based on a joint work with Jean Cardinal, Stefan Felsner, and Éric Fusy, part (3) is based on a joint work with Cyril Banderier.