TEWI-Kolloquium: Use, Misuse, and Reuse of Continuous Integration Features
VeranstaltungsortN.1.42Veranstalter Fakultät für Technische WissenschaftenBeschreibungContinuous Integration (CI) is a popular practice where software systems are automatically compiled and tested as changes appear in the version control system of a project. Like other software artifacts, CI specifications, which describe the CI process, require maintenance effort. In this talk, I will describe the results of an empirical analysis of patterns of feature use and misuse in the Travis CI specifications of 9,312 open source systems. To help developers to detect and remove patterns of misuse, we propose Hansel and Gretel, anti-pattern detection and removal tools for Travis CI specifications. To help developers to rapidly develop and reuse common CI logic, we propose an extension to the TouchCORE modelling tool that allows users to select high-level features from CI feature models and generate an appropriate CI specification. To support this envisioned tool, we perform an initial analysis of common CI features using association rule mining, which yielded underwhelming results.Vortragende(r)Prof. Shane McIntosh KontaktKerstin Smounig (Kerstin.Smounig@aau.at)