9 Okt.

Campus Portal & Moodle

Veranstaltungsort: O.0.11

Du möchtest dich zu einer Prüfung anmelden oder eine Studienbestätigung erstellen? Du möchtest wissen wie Lehrveranstaltungen online ablaufen und wie du Moodle nützen kannst? Wir zeigen dir die wichtigsten Funktionen von unserem Campussystem und unserer Lernplattform Moodle.Deine Peer-Tutor:innenAre you looking to register for an exam or generate a confirmation of enrollment? Do you want to know how online classes are conducted and how to use Moodle? We’ll guide you through the essential features of our campus system and our Moodle learning platform.Your peer-tutors

9 Okt.

Let your studies take you places: Info-session on outgoing mobilities and grants

Veranstaltungsort: Online (https://classroom.aau.at/b/min-mix-l6w-2tv)

The International Office Team is happy to invite you to this semester’s first International Office Digital Lounge!This online counselling session will be dedicated to providing you with more information and answering any questions you might have regarding the available mobility programmes and grants.Join us on Classroom at the following link: https://classroom.aau.at/b/min-mix-l6w-2tvThe event will be held in English.