20 Okt

Moodle&Big Blue Button

Veranstaltungsort: Am Campus I On campus (Treffpunkt: Peer-Tutoring Stand in der Aula I Meeting point: Peer tutoring booth)

In Deutsch: 09:00-09:30Wie laufen Lehrveranstaltungen online ab und was solltest du beachten, wenn du Lernunterlagen benötigst oder selbst ein Referat online halten sollst? Deine Peer Tutor:innenIn English: 09:30-10 amHow do online-lectures work and what should you pay attention to when you need study materials or are holding a presentation online? Your peer-tutors

20 Okt
20 Okt

50th AAAS Conference 2023 Versions of America: Speculative Pasts, Presents, Futures

Veranstaltungsort: HS B, HS 4, HS 3; HS 2, HS 1, Omansaal (Klagenfurt)

The 50th conference of the Austrian Association for American Studies sets out to explore America through its versions, understood as cultural practices of imagination and speculation that shape our perceived realities and that can manifest, for example, through single works and their variants, across media, and in various discourses, ideologies, or disciplines. As the notion of a version always implies a potential for plurality and interlinkages, we ask how past, present, and future versions of America function and interact: Which versions of America have emerged historically, when, where, and why? How do some of these create or celebrate awareness of their status as versions, while others obscure their versionality, aiming to naturalize themselves as a-versional in order to maintain the hegemony, e.g. of heteronormativity, patriarchy or white supremacy? How do versions of America emerge through one another, creating the U.S. as a multi-layered phenomenon? How are they told through different media, genres, modes and forms of storytelling? How is America perceived as multi-versional in the U.S. and abroad? What are the political potentials of thinking through versions and how may such thinking engender new forms of resistance and resilience?Seeking to explore versions of America in their aesthetic, epistemological, and political potentials, we invite contributions that consider the conference theme across all kinds of historical, cultural, and artistic discourses.