20 Mai

Die perfekten Bewerbungsunterlagen

Veranstaltungsort: O.1.09

Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen sind Ihre erste Visitenkarte. Sie können Türen öffnen aber auch schließen. Dieser Workshop zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie mit Ihren Unterlagen einen guten Eindruck hinterlassen.

20 Mai
20 Mai

Lange Nacht der Forschung

Veranstaltungsort: Universität Klagenfurt (Hörsaal A)

Die Lange Nacht der Forschung ist Österreichs größter Forschungsevent. 2018 kamen zuletzt ungefähr 10.000 Menschen an den gemeinsamen Campus von Lakeside Park und Universität, um an rund 100 Forschungstationen wissenschaftliche Arbeit hautnah zu erleben.

23 Mai

In Dialogue with the United States: “Public Diplomacy and Globalization”, Special guest talk by and discussion with Teta Moehs, Counselor for Public Affairs, U.S. Embassy Vienna

Veranstaltungsort: Z.1.08

Synopsis:Teta Moehs will discuss how U.S. public diplomacy has shaped globalization, both on a larger scale, and from her own perspective as a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Department of State. She will share insights into the relevance of public diplomacy, connecting its history, development and role in building relationships with foreign audiences into the present. The talk will be followed by a Q&A with the audience.Speaker bio:Teta Moehs, Counselor for Public Affairs, arrived at U.S. Embassy Vienna in July 2020. Teta last served in the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) as Deputy Director of the Office of International Visitors. Previous postings include Conakry (2015-2017), Leipzig (2011-2014), Beijing (2007-2011), Berlin (2005-2007), and Seoul (2003-2005).Teta received her BA at Brandeis University (Politics and German Literature) and completed a Junior Year Abroad at University of Freiburg in Germany. She earned her Master’s in Health Services Administration at University of Michigan’s School of Public Health. For ten years prior to joining the Foreign Service, Teta worked in hospital administration while on active duty in the U.S. Air Force, as well as in the private sector.The special guest talk and discussion will take place on-site. Please note that in order to join you will have to adhere to AAU’s current Covid-19 regulations: https://www.aau.at/en/current-information-on-the-coronavirus/