21 Juni

Walk & Talk

Veranstaltungsort: Campus

Du hängst voll im Prüfungsstress und kommst gar nicht mehr aus der Uni raus? Nimm dir eine Pause und mach den Kopf frei bei einem kleinen Spaziergang in der Sonne, damit du danach wieder voll durchstarten kannst. Treffpunkt: HaupteingangDeine Peer-Tutor:innen---Recharge your batteries! You're stuck in the stress of exams and can't get out of university? Take a break and clear your head with a short walk in the sun so that you can get back on track!Meeting point: Main entranceYour peer tutors

22 Juni

Analysis of Photovoltaic Systems‘ TVET in Palestine

Veranstaltungsort: HS 9

This talks presents a mapping of technical vocational education and training (TVET) for photovoltaic (PV) systems in Palestine. A comprehensive analysis of PV system TVET courses as well as PV system market in Palestine will be presented in this talk. This analysis covers the content of PV TVET courses, the ability of courses’ trainers, training tools and labs, required skills as well as the ability of TVET graduates. Moreover, feedback from photovoltaic system’s experts as well as owners and users of PV systems (corporate size) will be presented. Finally future required topics for training are predicted based on market analysis. Moreover, future jobs in the field of photovoltaic system are predicted as well.