3 Nov.

In Dialogue with the United States: Election Day guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Heinz Tschachler (NOW ONLINE ONLY)

Veranstaltungsort: Online, Zoom

VeranstaltungsortOnline, ZoomVeranstalter Institut für GeschichteFulbright Austria, Austro-American Society, CIASBeschreibungAfter having hosted US-Ambassador Trevor D. Traina on Oct 14, the "In Dialogue with the United States" series continues with a hybrid (on-site and virtual) guest lecture by American Studies scholar Heinz Tschachler. His guest lecture will take place as a part of the course "The Modern American Presidency: From Franklin D. Roosevelt to the 2020 Race" (Department of History).Talk synopsis:Political fatherhood goes back a long way, to the pater patriae of Roman antiquity, Martin Luther's des Landes Vater, the English kings, and George Washington, who'd become the "Father of His Country" already during his lifetime. Since then, presidents have stood as paternal figureheads for America, with the presidency itself a gendered narrative as well as a narrative of gender. While a woman leading the United States is not, therefore, simply a matter of time, on November 3, Americans will once again vote for a "Daddy." But which "daddy"? A "strict father" like Donald Trump, or a "nurturant parent" like Joe Biden? Either way, as of January 20, 2021, there'll be (as far as anyone can tell at this point) another champion who will carry that lance and that sword into the field and fight for his adopted "children."Speaker bio:Heinz Tschachler is a former professor of English and American Studies at Alpen-Adria-Universität in Klagenfurt. He is the author of many books, including The Monetary Imagination of Edgar Allan Poe and, most recently, George Washington on Coins and Currency and George Washington and Political Fatherhood. His book on Visions of Masculinity in the Writings of Washington Irving will be published in 2021.In accordance with AAU’s Covid-19 regulations, this guest lecture will be carried out in a hybrid from, i.e., there are a few limited seats available in HS 3 for interested listeners who would like to join us on-site, and the lecture will also be accessible via Zoom.Vortragende(r)Ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Heinz Tschachler (American Studies, University of Klagenfurt)KontaktDr. Stefan Rabitsch (stefan.rabitsch@aau.at) Anmeldepflichtig!Whether you’d like to join in person or virtually, you are asked to register by Monday, Nov 2, 8 pm at stefan.rabitsch@aau.at. Fixed seats will be allotted on a first-come, first-served basis. If you register for the virtual option, you will receive your Zoom session key in the morning of Nov 3.

3 Nov.

Organisierter Frauenhass im Netz

VeranstaltungsortOnline-VortragVeranstalter Universitätszentrum für Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien (UZFG)BeschreibungDigitale Medien haben nicht nur eine Vielzahl an Möglichkeiten der Kommunikation, Vernetzung und Partizipation geschaffen, sondern auch neue Formen von Gewalt hervorgebracht. In ihrem Vortrag beleuchten Sophie Hansal und Brigitte Temel anhand ausgewählter Beispiele wie Pick-Up Artists, Incels und Men Going Their Own Way die sogenannte Red Pill Ideologie, deren Frauenhass elementarer Teil rechter Cyberkultur ist.Vortragende(r)Sophie Hansal, Brigitte TemelKontaktKatherina Eder (gender.zentrum@aau.at)

4 Nov.

Einführung in LimeSurvey

VeranstaltungsortZ.0.18Veranstalter Zentraler Informatikdienst (ZID)BeschreibungLimeSurvey ist ein webgestütztes Tool, das die Entwicklung von Online-Umfragen ohne eigene Programmierkenntnisse ermöglicht. In diesem Workshop lernen Sie die wichtigsten Funktionen, um eine Umfrage zu erstellen, diese auszuführen und anschließend die Ergebnisse zu exportieren. Vermittlung der Grundfunktionalitäten von LimeSurvey Erstellung einer Online-Umfrage Vortragende(r)Bernhard Meixner, BAKontaktIsolde Dueller (Isolde.Dueller@aau.at) Anmeldepflichtig!siehe www.pe.aau.at, Kurscode 29.54zidKostenpflichtig!Zahlungsbedingung:bar bzw. per Rechnung

4 Nov.

Vortrag im Rahmen des Doctoral Seminars von Herrn Benjamin Hackl

Veranstaltungsorthttps://classroom.aau.at/b/anw-ezd-k9gUniversität KlagenfurtVeranstalter Institut für MathematikBeschreibungTitel:Hands-On Workshop: Mathematical Animations in ActionKurzfassung: Bring your own device to try out the community edition of the mathematicial animation engine Manim in this hands-on workshop. We explore theframework’s basic functionalities by creating a series of short (but cool!)animations, and learn about further references.Manim is a Python framework for visualizing mathematical concepts andideas in animated videos. Originally created by Grant “3Blue1Brown”Sanderson, whose Manim-produced YouTube videos get millions of clicksand are a driving force contributing to the popularization of Mathematics, his code base also has some peculiarities that are common for largeone-person projects, e.g., little to no documentation, and an unstable interface. To combat these shortcomings, a small community has formed thatis actively maintaining, cleaning and continuously improving Manim; thespeaker is one of the core developers of manim-community.Vortragende(r)Benjamin Hackl Kontaktsenka haznadar (senka.haznadar@aau.at)