23 März
23 März
23 März

Agile Methoden für Start-Ups: Welche gibt es und wie hängen sie zusammen?

Veranstaltungsort: Online Veranstaltung (zoom)

Agil steht für flexibel, beweglich. Aber was hat das mit Start-Ups zu tun? Sich rasant verändernde Rahmenbedingungen erfordern eine ständige Anpassung und proaktives Vorgehen von Unternehmen. Um proaktiv agieren zu können müssen Unternehmen ihre Prozesse, Kultur und Methoden anpassen. In Form von Kurzimpulsen kombiniert mit interaktiven Elementen führt die Vortragende Dr. Ines Krajger in die Prinzipien agilen Arbeitens ein und stellt einen spannenden und praktisch anwendbaren Methodenkoffer für Start-Ups vor.

24 März

“The Old Masters continuing to teach contemporary Australia” – A presentation about the Old Masters Exhibition from the National Museum of Australia

Veranstaltungsort: HS 6

Aboriginal Art, in particular the so-called ‘traditional’ forms such as the “Old Masters”, has become immensely popular worldwide. For example, such works are highly sought after by Australian and international tourists and examples can be found in many homes, businesses and public venues. The designs are also used on clothing, furniture, stationary, and a range of other products. For the most part, however, while admired for its artistic and cultural authenticity – a characteristic that authenticates a tourist’s experiences – many of the acquirers are unaware of the Iconography, or religious and secular symbolism and conventions, behind such works.Australia has many Aboriginal Cultures. There is not one pan-Australia Culture, although there are often strong similarities in the cultural beliefs and practices of neighbouring groups.Fortunately, nowadays the artists share the stories with us, and we can identify what part of the painting refers to what aspect of the story. Nonetheless, the full meaning – and the ability to fully read the pictures in their entire cultural context – remains the preserve of the artists’ cultures themselves. Through looking at the symbols and structures of the works, we can rapidly identify what part of Australia, and what cultural groups, they come from.