2 März

Welcome Day

VeranstaltungsortUniversität KlagenfurtVeranstalter Universität KlagenfurtBeschreibungDer Welcome Day vermittelt die wichtigsten Informationen rund um den Studieneinstieg. Neben individuellen Informationen zum jeweiligen Studium, gibt es auch allgemeine Informationen rund um den Uni-Alltag. Die Teilnahme am Welcome Day zählt als Lehrveranstaltung und bringt 1 ECTS. An diesem Tag finden für Erstsemestrige keine anderen Lehrveranstaltungen statt.KontaktFrau Germ (pruefungsaktivitaet@aau.at)

2 März

Two Methods for Retrieving Tens of Billions of High-Dimensional Features

VeranstaltungsortS.2.42Veranstalter Fakultät für Technische WissenschaftenBeschreibungScalable retrieval of high-dimensional feature vectors is an important component of many applications in multimedia and other fields, but also a very challenging problem. In this talk, we discuss the challenges of high-dimensional indexing at scale, and then present two approximate indexing methods designed for large-scale retrieval. We present results from experiments with the two largest feature collections reported in the literature, 28.5 billion SIFT features on a single server and 42.9 billion SIFT features in a distributed setting, and demonstrate an application with interactive retrieval over the 99.2 million images of the YFCC100M collection. Vortragende(r)Björn Thór Jónsson, Associate ProfessorIT University of Copenhagen, DenmarkReykjavik University, IcelandKontaktChristian Timmerer (christian.timmerer@itec.aau.at)

4 März

22 Apr.

Open online meeting on the topic of energy forecasting

Veranstaltungsorthttps://join.skype.com/fW14TGoEdd4ConlineVeranstalter Institut für Vernetzte und Eingebettete SystemeBeschreibungDear Uni-People,despite the Corona situation we continue to do research. As a special event I would like to invite everybody who is interested in the topics of energy management and technology to join our online meeting on the topic of energy forecasting. We have external and internal presentations on the topic.The meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 from 12:00-13:30. You can join the meeting using this link: https://join.skype.com/fW14TGoEdd4CAgenda:1. Welcome2. Short term load forecasting (Aida Mehdipourpirbazari, University of Stavanger, Norway)3. Machine learning techniques for power forecasting (Prof. Marco Mussetta, Politecnico di Milano)4. Towards a decentralized smart energy sharing: The ARTICONF approach (Nishant Saurabh)5. Investigating the impact of data quality on the energy yield forecast using data mining techniques (Ekanki Sharma)Vortragende(r)Aida MehdipourpirbazariProf. Marco MussettaNishant SaurabhEkanki SharmaKontaktWilfried Elmenreich (wilfried.elmenreich@aau.at)