Online-Infoweek on English-language degree programmes

Veranstaltungsort: Classroom (Online)

Our Online Infoweek from 27 November to 1 December offers you the opportunity to get to know all our English-language programmes. Schedule | Tuesday, 28 Nov.* 2 pm: Scholarships/Housing/Financing* 3 pm: General information on studying* 4 pm: Master Information Management* 5 pm: Master Artificial Intelligence & Cybersecurity* 6 pm: The University's campus and surroundingsHow can you join? The Infoweek takes place as an online event. There will be several live sessions per day in which our English-language degree programmes will be presented. After each session, there will be the opportunity to ask specific questions or seek advice in a live chat.The live presentations will take place on the online platform (recommended browsers: Firefox or Chrome). No registration, no download necessary! You can join the Infoweek by simply clicking on the session link of your choice in our schedule.

Live-Infosession auf Instagram – Betriebswirtschaft studieren

Veranstaltungsort: Instagram (Instagram)

Du möchtest Unternehmen auf die Erfolgsspur lenken? Oder dein eigenes Start-Up in die Pole-Position bringen? 👉 Dann informiere dich über das Bachelorstudium "BETRIEBSWIRTSCHAFT".Jacqueline erzählt von ihren Erfahrungen im Studium und beantwortet dir deine Fragen: Welche Berufsfelder stehen dir offen? Welche Voraussetzungen gibt es? Welche Fristen musst du beachten?Wie kannst du an unseren Live-Sessions teilnehmen? Den Instagram-Account der Uni Klagenfurt aufrufen, auf das Live-Video in den Stories klicken und dabei sein!In unseren Live-Sessions auf Instagram stellen dir Studierende IHR Studium vor und beantworten dir deine Fragen zum Studium an der Universität Klagenfurt!

Lifelogging – A decade of research into interactive lifelog access & retrieval

Veranstaltungsort: Z.0.18

The capabilities of modern sensing devices to gather large volumes of personal data has given us the ability to capture detailed lifelogs of a human's daily experience. This talk will introduce research on lifelog search and retrieval and highlight progress over the last ten years, including real-world applications and state-of-the-art lifelog retrieval systems from the annual ACM Lifelog Search Challenge. We will end by highlighting some of the societal challenges of applying lifelogs.