Variations of Experimental Judgment Research
VeranstaltungsortV.1.08Veranstalter Abteilung für Controlling und Strategische UnternehmensführungBeschreibungDer Workshop findet im Rahmen des Initiativschwerpunkts „The Exercise of Judgment in the Early Modern Period“ statt. Professor Lindquist wird das Potenzial experimenteller Forschung diskutieren und ausgewählte experimentelle Untersuchungen vorstellen. Darüber hinaus steht er für die Diskussion laufender und geplanter Forschungsarbeiten der TeilnehmerInnen zur Verfügung. Weitere Informationen zu Professor Lindquist finden Sie unter Forschungsschwerpunkte von Prof. Lindquist: Behavioral Accounting including influence of culture, ethics and generation on judgment & decision-makingManagement Controls including impact of procedural and distributive justice/injustice in the workplaceAusgewählte Publikationen von Prof. Lindquist:Rausch, A., Lindquist, T. and M. Steckel (2014). "A Test of U.S. versus Germanic European Ethical Decision-Making and Perceptions of Moral Intensity: Could Ethics Differ within Western Culture?" Journal of Managerial Issues 26(3): 259-285.Rausch, A., Lindquist, T. and M. Steckel (2014). "National culture: an antecedent for perceived importance of ethics (PIE) in management among U.S. versus Germanic European nationals." Problems and Perspectives in Management 12(2): 190-199.Lindquist, T. M. and G. Smith (2009). "Journal of Management Accounting Research: Content and Citation Analysis of the First 20 Years." Journal of Management Accounting Research 21: 249-292.Lindquist, T. M. and L. M. Olsen (2007). "How much help, is too much help? An experimental investigation of the use of check figures and completed solutions in teaching intermediate accounting." Journal of Accounting Education 25(3): 103-117. Chow, C., Lindquist, Tim and Anne Wu (2001). “National culture and the implementation of high-stretch performance standards: An exploratory study.” Behavioral Research in Accounting 13(1): 85-93.Chow, C. W., Harrison, Paul, Lindquist, Timothy and Anne Wu (1997). "Escalating commitment to unprofitable projects: Replication and cross-cultural extension." Management Accounting Research 8(3): 347-361.Lindquist, T. M. (1995). "Fairness as an Antecedent to Participative Budgeting: Examining the Effects of Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice and Referent Cognitions on Satisfaction and Performance." Journal of Management Accounting Research 7(1): 122-147.Vortragende(r)Timothy M. Lindquist, PhDPricewaterhouseCoopers Professor of AccountingUniversity of Northern Iowatimothy.lindquist@uni.eduKontaktAssoc. Prof. Dr. Alexandra Rausch ( Anmeldepflichtig!Um Anmeldung wird gebeten an oder unter 0463 2700 4032