Gender+Gaming: Where Are We Going; Where Have We Been?

VeranstaltungsortHS BVeranstalter Universitätszentrum für Frauen- und Geschlechterstudien (UZFG)BeschreibungThis lecture will highlight the issues of gender and gaming which have come to light since the GamerGate controversy of the past decade. We will discuss the side-lining of females—both as game producers and game players—and how such discrimination has affected the industry, academia, and gender studies in general. We will also discuss how the greater global perspective on identifying different gender identities has begun impacting video games and whether or not the approach has been positive or just stereotyping by another name. Finally, we’ll discuss what we can do, as gender scholars, to make those changes positive from here forward and what needs to be done to reach a fairer gender-representation of the gaming audience worldwide.Vortragende(r)Brittany Kuhn KontaktKirstin Mertlitsch (