19 Jun

Vortrag: Psychologie des aktuellen Rechtsextremismus | Klaus Ottomeyer

Veranstaltungsort: HS B

Der Vortrag soll dazu beitragen, die Faszination und die psychologischen Tricks des aktuellen Rechtsextremismus besser zu verstehen. So wird der menschliche Neid mobilisiert, um ihn gegen Minderheiten und obskure Eliten zu wenden. Über unser Über-Ich, das Gewissen darf man sich lustig machen und es z. B. als „wokeness“ bekämpfen. Ein selbsternannter „Volkskanzler“ verwendet für seine MitbewerberInnen Bezeichnungen, welche die niedrigsten Instinkte des Publikums bedienen. Dazu kommen noch eine Zurschaustellung von betonter Männlichkeit, die Russlandnähe und – beeinflusst von den „Identitären“ – ein Identitätskonzept, das aus psychologischer Sicht ein kollektivistisches Irrlicht darstellt. Was können wir tun?

11 Sep

15th Alps Adria Psychology Conference

Veranstaltungsort: HS C

Starting in 1987, the Alps-Adria Psychology Conferences were organized by the universities of the Alps-Adria region and took place in Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, and Slovenia. The conferences served as a platform for inspiring research exchange across all areas of psychology and provided a place to build new partnerships and refresh old ones. We are pleased to continue this tradition and to host the 15th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference in Klagenfurt, which will take place from 11th – 13th September 2024.

12 Sep

15th Alps Adria Psychology Conference

Veranstaltungsort: HS C

Starting in 1987, the Alps-Adria Psychology Conferences were organized by the universities of the Alps-Adria region and took place in Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, and Slovenia. The conferences served as a platform for inspiring research exchange across all areas of psychology and provided a place to build new partnerships and refresh old ones. We are pleased to continue this tradition and to host the 15th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference in Klagenfurt, which will take place from 11th – 13th September 2024.

13 Sep

15th Alps Adria Psychology Conference

Veranstaltungsort: HS C

Starting in 1987, the Alps-Adria Psychology Conferences were organized by the universities of the Alps-Adria region and took place in Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, and Slovenia. The conferences served as a platform for inspiring research exchange across all areas of psychology and provided a place to build new partnerships and refresh old ones. We are pleased to continue this tradition and to host the 15th Alps-Adria Psychology Conference in Klagenfurt, which will take place from 11th – 13th September 2024.