Material and Energy Flows in the United States of America, 1870 to 2005

The physical economy of the United States of America : Extraction, trade and consumption of materials from 1870 to 2005: Online database version 1.1
This dataset contains data on extraction, imports, exports and domestic material and primary energy consumption by main material groups and energy types for the period between1870 to 2005. It provides data on socio-economic indicators (population, GDP), metabolic rates (resource flow per capita) and resource intensity (resource flow per GDP). Material flow data are given in 1000 t/yr and energy flow data are given in PJ/yr.


Quote data as: Gierlinger, S., Krausmann, F., 2012. The physical economy of the United States of America : Extraction, trade and consumption of materials from 1870 to 2005. Journal of Industrial Ecology 16(3), 365-377.


Journal of Industrial Ecology


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