Internationale Tagung:
Ästhetiken des Widerstands. Partisan:innenkunst und feministische partisanische Kulturpraxis in Jugoslawien und Kärnten/Koroška
Estetike upora. Partizanska umetnost in feministična partizanska kulturna praksa v Jugoslaviji in na Koroškem
Estetike otpora. Partizanska umjetnost i feministička praksa partizanske kulture u Jugoslaviji i Koruškoj
27. and 28.10.2023
University of Klagenfurt (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt/Celovec)
Our goal is to organize a conference that addresses and questions current artistic and scientific positions on partisan art through the lens of gender and gender-theories. The focus lies on art and culture both of the partisan movement and about the partisan movement in Yugoslavia and Carinthia.
The question that guides this conference is: how – in addition to politically and socially rooted themes such as the struggle for liberation, the question of class, the socialist revolution, and the victory over Nazism – can we pinpoint aesthetics of the “partisan” that conveys specific revolutionary and emancipatory narratives, and how can this aesthetic be (re)interpreted through a gender-focused gaze?
The conference aims to generate scientific knowledge that encompasses cultural-theoretical, historical-scientific and art-analytical positions, that explores the formats of the partisan aesthetic.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Klagenfurt/Celovec!
Markus Gönitzer, Forum Stadtpark & Muzej/Museum Peršman, Elena Messner, Universität Wien, Institut für Slawistik Assoc. Cristina Beretta, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt/Celovec, Institut für Slawistik
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9020 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
+43 463 2700
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