Master Media and Convergence Management: An opportunity to get to know people from all over the world

Robin Hauser comes from St. Margarethen near Wolfsberg. After completing his Bachelor’s degree in Media and Communications at the University of Klagenfurt, he is now pursuing his Master’s degree in Media and Convergence Management. Already as a young child, he knew he wanted to work in the media industry and now it happens to be his life. Next to his studies, the busy 23-year-old is working as a tutor, student assistant and as a marketing assistant.

Why did you decide to study? How did you choose our university?

I always wanted to work in the media sector. After evaluating my options, I knew Klagenfurt was the place to go. The popular student’s destination – the city of Graz – did not offer many alternatives at that time and Vienna was too far away from home for my personal liking. That’s why I chose to study Media and Communications here in Klagenfurt at the AAU.

After finishing my Bachelor’s studies I decided to continue my path at the AAU. There were two main directions that came to mind: Medien, Kommunikation und Kultur (engl. Media, Communications and Culture) or Media and Convergence Management. I decided to go with the latter in order to get the opportunity to meet lots of interesting and diverse international people: The language of instruction for this Master’s programme is English, therefore students from all over the world are able to study it.

Additionally, the gorgeous campus, the Europa Park and the Wörthersee are a bonus too.

When and how did you find out what you wanted to study?

Since I was young, I was always interested in media, especially social media and digital communications. A programme of study that specialises on understanding media theories and managing media software and organisations was an obvious choice for me.

What moment will always remind you of your studies here? 

I really enjoy the solidarity amongst the students here. I’ve never seen anything comparable – not at other universities and not even in school. Especially before difficult exams – one in particular comes to mind – when people tend to get stressed out there is usually always at least a handful of people who are willing to help out. Either with studying together, or providing materials and so on. This generous and selfless behaviour motivates others to act in a similar way.

The most amusing lecture for me was Organizational Communication: Special Aspects taught by Valentin Unterkircher. We learned lots of highly interesting stuff and were required to do some group work which turned out to be super entertaining and led to new friendships.

What makes your studies special to you?

This is a difficult question. I think I am lucky to have found a subject that I sincerely enjoy. Studying for exams is easy for me because I am interested in almost every topic that the curriculum covers. Additionally, I am able to fund my livelihood and hobbies by working as a tutor and student assistant by doing what I love – teaching newer students and supporting professors with their research. I do not take this for granted and am thankful to have found my place.

What topics do you like most in your degree programme?

Social Media / Marketing / Organizational Management / Crisis Communication.

Did you go abroad during your studies? Tell us about it.

Sadly no – I have found a job as a marketing assistant at a local company which provides me with lots of practical experience. In my opinion, it is not easy to get a job which focuses on media and advertising in Klagenfurt. This makes it hard for me to leave for half a year. However, if the situation changes, I’ll definitely go abroad for a semester.

Where do you seek help at the university if you need something or „get stuck“?

Usually, we students manage fine on our own but if there is trouble with understanding a task or something similar, I have yet to meet a professor who is not willing to help out. Most of our teachers at the university are quick to reply to mails or even messages on social media.

If one doesn’t find the right lecture hall, the university is prepared for that, too: There is a concierge in the main hall who helps people to find the place they need to go 24/7.

Has your view of the world changed through your studies?

Especially during the first two semesters, when I slowly adjusted to the student lifestyle, I can say that I continued to develop as a person. I became more open-minded and also more autonomous and efficient.

The things I learned during my studies have opened my eyes to various critical topics and societal issues I was not fully aware of as a teenager. In my opinion it is of uttermost importance to address problems like global warming, racism, sexism etc. in a scientific way. It is of little use to get angry and act on the basis of emotions – it will probably change little. One has to grasp the roots of the problem and fight it from within.

I want to use this opportunity to quote a line from one of my favourite movies Princess Mononoke: “What exactly are you here for?” – “To see with eyes unclouded by hate.”

What do you like about being a student?

Freedom, autonomy, the opportunity to educate myself.

Why should one study at our university?

Three things come to mind:

There is a close relationship between students and professors. Most of them really care about the students individually, try to remember their names, listen to individual struggles or problems etc.

And there is a diverse offer of various fields of study with international experts teaching here.

The beautiful scenery I addressed before (Wörthersee, Europa Park, landscapes).

What do you like about Klagenfurt?

The city itself is not of particular interest to me. I prefer nature, rural areas and landscapes.

What would you have been glad about if someone had told you before you started studying? So, what’s your advice for freshers?

Do not let the required STEOPs overwhelm you. “Aller Anfang ist schwer” – All beginnings are difficult. Once you manage to overcome them and enter the more “hands on” and practical courses, it most definitely gets more interesting and entertaining. Foundations, which are taught during the STEOP courses, are required to understand more complex coherences and that’s what is the most fun in the long run.

How do you explain the contents of your studies to your family or friends?

We try to understand how communication works and how to make it effective. We try to understand media companies, learn about potential business models and the products they offer.

Which activities do you pursue next to your studies? Is it easy to combine these with studying?

I’m working as a marketing assistant, tutor and student assistant and voluntarily at Container 25 (a cultural initiative). My hobbies include Judo, Parkour, and music. Sometimes hobbies are a balance to studies, sometimes they complement what you have learned.


  • My favourite course… was “Organizational communication: special aspects”
  • My student life is… enjoyable
  • University does not work without… friends
  • I am motivated by… my ambitions and interests
  • My dream job is… scientist / head of marketing department