Vortrag von Alexandra Schwell: „Mobilizing Urgency, Mobilizing Futures“ beim Futures Talk in Zagreb
Auf Einladung des Forschungsprojekts „Urban Futures: Imagining and Activating Possibilities in Unsettled Times“ (https://www.citymaking.eu/en/) hält Alexandra Schwell einen Vortrag zum Thema „Mobilizing Urgency, Mobilizing Future“.
- September 2021, 11 Uhr am Institut für Ethnologie und Volkskunde in Zagreb sowie auf ZOOM.
Urgency seems to lie at the heart of both the climate change issue and right-wing populist politics. In both domains, it functions as a driving force, as a discursive and emotional practice employed to underline the issue’s relevance and timeliness. To invoke urgency and generate a sense of urgency is meant to evoke this same feeling in other actors – the feeling that ‘something needs to be done, now!’ As such, urgency is a crucial element of processes of securitisation. Urgency as a mobilizing force is strongly intertwined with imaginations about possible futures that relate to it. The invocation of urgency creates a time span between the present emergency and the on-rushing future characterised by ambivalence and insecurity. The goal of this paper, thus, is twofold: to understand how urgency functions as a tool of mobilization in general and to explore its anti-democratic potential in particular.