10.12.2020 ZeFKo Talk: Corona & Conflict
Die Herausgeber der Zeitschrift ZeFKo (Friedens- und Konfliktforschung) laden zum ersten öffentlichen ZeFKo Talk an der Univeristät Leipzig ein.
10. Dezember 2020 | 2pm – 6pm
The ZeFKo Talk is the inaugural event of a new series of public roundtables by which the editors want to offer a public space to the authors to share their projects with a wider and diverse audience to discuss and to stimulate academic and public debate on topics of peace and conflict research. The first ZeFKo Talk is also the occasion to celebrate the transition from the editorial team from University of Magdeburg to Leipzig University and to thank Alexander Spencer and his team for three years of exceptional engagement for the ZeFKo.
The event will take place in the form of a virtual public roundtable via Zoom, allowing the panelists to engage with the participants in a Q & A session. The language of the event is English. The event will be split into three thematic panels.
You can access the virtual meeting room here: https://tiny.cc/zefkotalk with password 101010!